PHOENIX (August 21, 2019)—The Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry extended its appreciation and thanks to Don Brandt for his years of leadership and service at the helm of Pinnacle West and APS following the announcement that Brandt would retire in November.
“Don Brandt has been an absolute stalwart in the energy sector and in the business community throughout his entire distinguished career,” Arizona Chamber President and CEO Glenn Hamer said. “His tenure at APS has been wildly successful, and the company’s impact in areas ranging from environmental stewardship to military veteran career development, has been substantial thanks to Don.”
The Arizona Chamber in June presented Brandt with its Heritage Award, the Chamber’s highest honor for individuals who have made a positive and lasting contribution to Arizona’s business community and who have enhanced the state’s quality of life.
“I am so pleased that the Chamber had the opportunity to honor Don with the Heritage Award,” Hamer said. “I can think of no better recipient of an award that recognizes Arizonans who have made our state a better place to live, raise a family, and build a business. If you’re looking for leaders who have made Arizona what it is today, look to Don Brandt.”
The board of directors of Pinnacle West announced that APS President Jeff Guldner would assume the roles of Pinnacle West board chairman, president and CEO, and APS CEO, a move hailed by Hamer.
“The Arizona Chamber is thrilled to welcome Jeff to his expanded leadership roles at Pinnacle West and APS,” Hamer said. “I can’t think of a better leader in such an exciting time for the energy sector and its ability to help develop the innovative technology that will ensure safe, clean, and reliable energy that Arizona’s job creators depend on and that is so vital to our economic competitiveness. Jeff is due a hearty congratulations. Arizona’s job creators are excited to continue our long partnership with APS in ensuring Arizona maintains its reputation for having one of the country’s best business environments.”
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