PHOENIX (January 14, 2022)—Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry President and CEO Danny Seiden released the following statement:
“When Gov. Ducey released his first executive budget seven years ago, Arizona was in the red. Today, we’ve gone from a $1 billion shortfall to a $1.4 billion Rainy Day Fund. We’ve recovered jobs lost during the pandemic faster than almost any state in the country. Personal income growth is among the highest in the nation. We’ve become a premier destination for high-tech manufacturing and semiconductor companies – the jobs of tomorrow. Our economy is thriving.
“None of this happened by accident, but because of seven years of smart investments and pro-growth policies that have made Arizona a better place to live, work and run a business. Gov. Ducey’s eighth and final executive budget sets the state on a course for sustained success.
“The governor’s FY 2023 spending proposal ensures that Arizona taxpayers will keep more of their hard-earned money, that their highways will be safer, that students will be given better educational opportunities, and that the state will have the water resources to continue to thrive for the decades to come, all while keeping the budget structurally balanced.
“We look forward to working with the Office of the Governor and lawmakers in both parties to advocate for these important priorities and a final budget that enhances the state’s economic competitiveness.”
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The Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry is committed to advancing Arizona’s competitive position in the global economy by advocating free-market policies that stimulate economic growth and prosperity for all Arizonans.