Recently, Arizona’s leaders at both the state and federal level have been coalescing around policies to take our state’s public K-12 successes to scale. And today is a significant day for the movement to drive these policies forward:
- This morning, the Arizona Chamber filed its argument in support of Proposition 123;
- This afternoon, Governor Ducey’s Classrooms First Initiative Council will present the final report on its work to identify opportunities to modernize Arizona’s school finance formula to promote equity and excellence;
- And later today, Congress will take a final vote on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The conference report for this bill contains critical intent language put forward by Senator John McCain to allow Arizona’s highest performing magnet, district and charter schools the flexibility to use Title I dollars to expand or replicate their models.
Last year’s California superior court decision in Vergara v. California confirmed what Arizona has long known – that equality depends on access to a quality education. Thanks to our A for Arizona program, we are learning more every day about what it takes to provide a quality education to all students. And thanks to leaders like Governor Ducey and Senator McCain, that knowledge is being translated into tangible policies to support Arizona’s pockets of excellence and scale their work statewide.