Today is Aerospace Day at the state Capitol, where some of Arizona’s leading edge aerospace companies are showing off examples of the most advanced technology in the field.
The aerospace industry is incredibly important to Arizona’s economy. Here’s why:
- Home to companies large and small. Arizona is home to more than 1,200 aerospace and defense companies, large and small. Some you’d recognize: names like Boeing, Honeywell and Raytheon, all of whom are members of the Arizona Chamber and the Arizona Manufacturers Council. Others are smaller firms that are critical components of the manufacturing supply chain or who are developing new products of their own.
- Sunshine means flying weather. Arizona delivers over 300 days of sunshine here. Fewer weather delays means more time in the sky testing and flying and less time on the ground. Our weather is a magnet for aerospace firms.
- Billion, with a B. Aerospace is a job creator. Over 150,000 Arizonans have direct or indirect jobs connected to aerospace, which results in a $15 billion impact on our state’s GDP.
- What do we make here? Arizona manufacturers are responsible for making a little bit everything in the aerospace field. From the Apache helicopter in Mesa, to unmanned systems, to missiles in Tucson, to major components for the F-35, Arizona’s always-improving business environment attracts the manufacturing sector’s best.
- Military assets worth defending. Arizona is home to Luke Air Force Base, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, the Yuma Proving Ground and Ft. Huachuca, which is home to the world’s largest unmanned aerial systems training Davis-Monthan is home to the A-10 aircraft, which is making a big difference in conflicts today. Sen. John McCain and Rep. Martha McSally deserve credit for their hard to work to ensure the A-10 remains a central part of the DM mission.