PHOENIX – As the proponents of Proposition 204 resort to increasingly negative tactics in their quest to permanently increase the state sales tax by one billion dollars per year, the undersigned members of the Arizona business community are setting the record straight on our reasons for joining Gov. Jan Brewer, Treasurer Doug Ducey and retired Intel Chairman and CEO Dr. Craig Barrett in opposing Proposition 204.
No Requirement that Dollars Reach the Classroom
The Arizona business community believes that any increase in funding for education must flow to the classroom and should be tied to accountability measures. Proposition 204 does not require that any money reaches the classroom nor does it hold school districts accountable for how they spend taxpayer funds. Instead, it pumps more money into the same flawed system that fails to deliver dollars to teachers in the classroom.
Funds Programs Unrelated to Education
The special interests who wrote Proposition 204 funnel hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to projects that have nothing to do with public education. While spending money to fill potholes may be a legitimate use of tax dollars, there is no evidence to suggest that such spending is an effective way to improve educational outcomes.
Permanent Sales Tax Increase
Proposition 204 hurts Arizona families and the economy by permanently increasing the sales tax by one billion dollars per year. This will give Arizona the dubious distinction of having the second-highest sales tax rate in the country.
The Arizona business community is united in our support for real education reform that sends money to the classroom and holds schools accountable for their performance. Please join us in opposing this permanent tax increase that funds special interests and the education status quo by voting No on Proposition 204.
Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce
Arizona Multihousing Association
Arizona Small Business Association
Arizona Lodging and Tourism Association
Arizona Retailers Association
Arizona Chapter of NAIOP
Arizona Automobile Dealers Association
Arizona Farm Bureau
National Federation of Independent Business
Arizona Construction Association
East Valley Chambers of Commerce Alliance
Apache Junction
Queen Creek