PHOENIX (March 21, 2024)—The Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry released the following statement about the future of the Arizona Commerce Authority:
“We applauded the state House of Representatives last month when, by a wide margin, it voted to extend the Arizona Commerce Authority for four years, ensuring the state’s lead economic development agency would be able to continue its excellent work attracting new jobs to the state.
“We were hopeful that the state Senate would quickly follow suit. Unfortunately, senators instead have proposed an amendment that would effectively gut the ACA, overturn years of progress in attracting jobs to the state, raise taxes on job creators, and inflict tremendous harm on the Arizona economy.
“The proposal would be laughable were it not for its potentially catastrophic consequences.
“Job creators are happy to continue a dialogue with lawmakers over the future of the ACA. The bill that already passed the House with bipartisan support should be our starting point.”
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